Engaged! 1-10-2007

F.B. & I decided to get engaged yesterday. After talking & discussing things. Of course there is no set date of when we will be marrying. Only that we decided to get engaged & start planning for our future. It could be 2-3 years more before we get married. F.B. will be finishing college in May. He's starting his OJT this semester. He is in college getting his bachelor degree in computer science. If all goes well- the company he does his job training with may hire him after graduation. Then he can also begin saving for our future. We need to get our finances in order before we plan to marry.

I need to look into all the legal procedures for the Philippines. If we get married, it will be at Justice of the Peace in the Philippines. Not really a wedding. We don't really want that. Just some family & friends & maybe a dinner after wards.

I would be moving to the Philippines. That would be a big adjustment for my life. Yes it is a big step & a big change. But it's something I want to do. I've been back here in the US a little over a week & I'm going crazy. I miss the Philippines... I want to go back. I would like to visit again in the late summer this year if it's possible & works out.

I need to find out all the legal procedures for me to stay over there & work legally- without giving up my us citizenship. We need to save money- so that when I moved over there we would be okay financially while I secured a job. I would like to work in a call center and be a customer service rep. I understand the US is better off economically & I might only be making half of what my US paychecks were over there, but I'm not looking to get rich or have a career. That's not what I want. What I want is to be with my boy, and for us to have a little house somewhere and start our own life.


Back Home 1-4-07

I arrived back home in Philadelphia around 6pm last night. It has been quite an adventure these past 3 weeks in the Philippines. It is good to be home again, in America, but I feel like I've truly lost something. I miss F.B. so much, to be so close with someone for 3 weeks, someone you love & then to just come home... to the other side of the world... is sort of heart breaking... I keep crying... when I think about my whole trip... I just miss him so much.

The night before we went to sleep, I asked him to stay in his sisters room with me. It was after 10pm by then and we had to get up at 4am. He was writing me a letter while I was falling asleep. And I was trying to wait up for him to finish so I could talk to him before we went to sleep. But I fell asleep. We woke up at 4am and got ready to prepare to leave for the airport. There was hardly any traffic that early in the morning, which surprised me.

When we got to the airport, it was busy. We pulled curbside to get my luggage out, and I was leaning on the car door, and F's mom was getting out of the back and she didn't see my hand there and accidently slammed the car door on my last 3 fingers. My pinkie finger was really quite swollen for awhile. But thank god I didn't break anything. His mom was like, "I'm so sorry! Oh! I'm so sorry!" F & his aunt went to park the car, so we could say goodbye properly. F's mom stayed with me in front of the airport. It was taking forever for F.B. to get back to us, and I was afraid I'd have to leave without saying goodbye to him. But they finally showed up. It was so hard to say goodbye... I was crying.... we got to hug & kiss... and then I had to go into the airport... when I was in line checking my luggage, I got a text message that said, "Look behind you. I'm right here outside." There were windows in the airport, and he was standing outside the window, and F would move from window to window as I walked down the airport, until finally we had our last wave as I went through security. I called him when I sat down at my gate to say goodbye again. Left the Philippines around 8am on the 3rd.

Arrived in Hong Kong, called F.B. again. Left Hong Kong around 12 or so. For my long 14 hour flight... during the flight my co-worker Christie turned out to have the seat directly behind mine. We hadn't been speaking since May... when we had a fall out... and stopped speaking to eachother. It was weird... during the flight Christie said, "Sarah... Sarah.." And I was thinking... "Ohhhh what's she want?" haha. But she said, "Do you want to end this?" And I said, "Yes... I do... I don't know what happened it was all so stupid." And we talked about everything. Then we talked about our very different experiences we had had in the Philippines. And we had a drink later in Chicago after our 14 hour flight. I won't lie... those 14-15 hour flights are killers, you want to go crazy sometimes, and it's very difficult to sleep. I slept much longer on the way back, than I had on the way there though.

Christie & I landed in Philly 30 minutes earlier than expected, picked up out luggage. Christie was having issues waiting for her luggage and I hope she finally got it, my parents called and were waiting outside so I had to go. It was so strange being in such cold weather, after being in the Philippines, which is most always in the 80, 90, 100's. But the weather didn't bother me at all there. The heat was not so intense. It was nice... I miss the weather.

I miss F... I want to go back sometime soon, and get a visa to stay longer- maybe later this year in the summer/fall. And I know he wants to visit here too. Which we talked about our relationship- and I thought it would be better for him to also visit the US, before we decided how we want to proceed with our future, getting engaged or married someday soon, deciding whether I will go there, or if he will come here- or if we will just move somewhere different in the US... things will work out somehow... they have worked out so amazing as it is... F.B. is more than all the things I thought he was. He is everything to me, my best friend & I love him so much. And I know now that we were meant to be and we will be together again someday soon. I love him so much & I know he loves me. It was awkward the first night being in person together, but after that things fell into place and we were such best friends...it was amazing. I love him... I miss him so much...I kept waking up tonight thinking he was sleeping next to me, I'd reach out and touch the pillows, trying to find his hand... but then I'd realize I was at home......I wish I could stop crying... it was harder to leave than I thought it would be. I miss him... I love him. He's my best friend. We had so much fun together.

I have a few days to rest & then I go back to work on Monday the 8th. Hoping to see my cousins this Saturday as well. I uploaded all my trip pictures to Walgreens, I have to pick them up this evening around 9pm or so. 500 some photo's but that's because I got doubles to send to F.B. It cost about $100 for all those pictures... but definitely worth every penny. So was this trip. I'll leave off with a few more pictures from my trip

P.S. Mahal kita baby... I miss you. I'm thinking about you...

Happy New Year!

New Years in the Philippines: 2007

This was my first New Years in the Philippines. F.B. & I went to church on New Years Eve. It's an open church, and there were so many people we sat on a bench outside the church. It was so noisy outside though, with people setting off firecrackers & fireworks in the air. F said it would sound like a war zone around 12am. There was a doggy in the church, he would lay down and listen, and then scratch himself and walk around, and he came to the outside part where we were, that was my entertainment, haha. Cuz most of the church stuff & music was in Tagalog.

After that we went back to F's house and played a few games of scrabble before it was midnight, the power went out for a few seconds though & I was like, "Oh no! We're gonna have to celebrate new years in the dark? We'll have dinner by candle light?" haha. Also when we were playing scrabble someone set off a big firecracker out back somewhere, and it sounded like it was coming into the room.

There was a countdown thing on tv & F's mom had horns to blow and I took some silly pictures of F.B. teehee. At 12, it did sound a bit like a war zone- with all the fire crackers going off. It was LOUD. After the countdown we had 'Medya Noche' we had dinner and dessert. The noise died down around 1am.

New Years Day, we got together with all of F.B.'s relatives, a family reunion. And his relatives from Virginia were visiting. We had lunch at Max's this chicken place. And then later in the evening went to his aunts house for dinner and Christmas/New Years celebration. I called home around 12pm Philippine time. It was only 11pm 2006 at home when I called. I'm 13 hour ahead of home.

Tomorrow is my last full day in the Philippines. In the morning F.B. & I will be stopping at the mall, to go to the supermarket & bookstore get some stuff for my flight home. And then we're stopping back at his house to pick up his mom. And we are going out for lunch.

Finished packing most of my stuff tonight and just have to pack last minute stuff tomorrow & the morning of my flight. Probably getting up around 3:30-4am on the 3rd here. Going to get to the airport around 5:30am. And then my first flight is to Hong Kong at 8:10am on Philippine Airlines. Then I take United Airlines from Hong Kong to Chicago- 14 hour flight. And then United from Chicago to Philadelphia. I'll arrive home around 7:22pm on January 3rd. So please pray for a safe trip & good weather. This is my last entry for now, until I'm home. So Happy New Year Everyone! Here's some new pictures!

New Years Eve:

F's "Horny"... lol!

Our Crazy Photo Shoot:

This is Mr. Bernerdork. He's F's alter ego! lol!

New Years Day:

Trip to Tagaytay!

F.B. & I had our Tagaytay Trip on Wednesday (12-31-06). The way up to Tagaytay is about 2 hours, it's up in the mountains. Saw tonnnns of palm trees, and tons of pineapple fields, they are so neat looking, spikey plants growing out of the ground, with little baby pineapples growing off the plants. We were up in Tagaytay from the 27th-29th.

We stayed at the Taal Vista Hotel. It wasn't quite at nice as the Best Western in Makati City, even though it was more expensive. The hotel in Tagaytay was more like a campus. The check in and reception halls weren't even attached to the rest of the hotel. The room part was kinda across the parking lot. F.B. & I had trouble finding our room at first, he asked someone and they were like, "I don't know." Our room was a little smaller than the Best Western, but still nice. The bathroom was bigger, but the shower was more narrow and slippery, bruised my leg up good, haha. And when we left the 'Make up room' sign on the door, and we came back later I said, "Hey we got clean towels!" But it turned out they just folded up the wet towels we had already used?!

We took lot's of pretty pictures of Lake Taal & the Taal Volcano. It was quite windy up in the mountains and much colder at night time. F & I drove around Tagaytay, up into the mountains... wayyyy up into the mountains. It looked foggy, but it was only because we were so high up it was like we were in the clouds. We were on this little narrow winding road, where there were no buildings or anything, and you could see down the mountain side. There's this sky park, where you can take a shuttle up into the mountains, but the road was really steep... and I was scared, hah, so we just drove around instead. Not so much to do up around in Tagaytay though. It's a smaller city. Lot's of places to eat around there though. We had lunch & dinner out in Tagaytay.

I came down with a sipon (cold) while we were there though. My throat was a bit scratchy before we left for Tagaytay but the next morning my throat was all sore & swollen and my nose was stuffy and runny.F.B. & I found a drugstore and got me some medicine. I'm still a bit sick, so we'll have to pick up some more at the drugstore tomorrow. We just kinda hung around at the hotel.

Tomorrow is F.B's mom's wedding anniversary, so I am taking, his mom, sister & him out to this Japanese Buffet place at one of the malls. And if we have time we may stop at a mall close to his house, so I can visit this clothing store & souvenir shop I like.

Here's some photo's from our Tagaytay trip. On the way up to Tagaytay & The hotel:

F.B. & I out back of the hotel where you can see Lake Taal & the Volcano:

F could have pushed me over the wall... but he didn't... aren't I lucky? Tee hee...

More of us:

It was kinda sunny out and we were squinting, haha:

Lake Taal & Taal Volcano:

At the hotel:

In the car (F says I looks Lasing... (drunk...) lol! It's the sun I swear!) & out to eat... and look... they have Banana Ketchup... it's pretty good, they just color it red, haha:

12-31-2006: Today F & I stopped at the mall earlier today & then later in the evening, we took his family out for dinner. It was his mom's wedding anniversary. We went Saisaki, a Japanese Buffet at one of the malls. I had some sushi there, haha. My favorite kind without raw fish, but then some with raw salmon. And other food..I tried quail eggs too... haha. They were like tiny hard boiled eggs. F & I only had two plates each though, and we were full, haha. I only have two pictures. One was at F's house. And the other his sister took of us at the buffet place. They gave away these goofy little stuffed dogs when someone ordered iced tea, so I got F's, haha. He was a purple dog.

F.B. got me a pair of jeans at my favorite store 'Kamiseta' at the mall here in the Philippines. They have rhinestones on the back pockets. I love that store, I'm a small in jeans there, hehe. Tomorrow (Er... today, it's 1am.) is New Years Eve. We're going to church around 9pm, and then having a little dinner thing back at the house here for New Years. F said it's going to sound like a war zone, with all the firecrackers and stuff. It will be 2007 here at 12am- when it's only 11am on New Years Eve Day at home.... and still 2006... weird... haha.

F.B. got a sign on his door now and we took a picture, heehee:

Christmas in the Philippines

Christmas in the Philippines 2006:

Been in the Philippines almost 2 weeks now. On Christmas Eve, F's family has the Filipino tradition of 'Noche Buena'. Where at 12 midnight they have a Christmas dinner and exchange gifts. We went to the church, but there were so many people we were outside- it's an open kinda church so you could hear stuff, but we got tired standing for awhile and sat in the car with the windows rolled down, we could still kinda hear stuff. Then when we got back to F.B.'s house we exchanged gifts and took pictures. And then we had dinner.

Christmas we went to the Mall of Asia again and had lunch with his family. But F & I went home after lunch, we've been to the Mall of Asia 3 times now. We hung out here at his house and watched Titanic & Back to the Future, and had dinner.

Tomorrow I'm taking F out to lunch at Friday's, and then we are going to do some shopping at the supermarket & get some snacks to take to the hotel with us up in Tagaytay- we were having midnight "picnic's" when we were at the hotel in Makati City. So, Wednesday we will be heading up to the hotel in Tagaytay and coming home on the 29th. It's F.B.'s mom's anniversary on the 30th so I'm taking his family out for a buffet dinner.

Here are some new pictures:

The sign F's mom made for me- that I saw when I was at the airport. It's hanging on his sister's bedroom door for now, since I'm using the room:

F got me this cute pink Adidas bag for Christmas at the Adidas store in Greenbelt in Makati City:

Me in the doorway on Christmas Eve:

F & I exchanging Christmas Gifts:

They made us kiss for the camera... ewwwww! hahahahaha!

F.B. gave me a purty ring for Christmas:

Us on Christmas Eve before church:



This post is 13 hours behind... it's really 2:15 am on 12-26 as I'm writing this... lol!


F.B. & I went to Friday's for lunch this afternoon. I treated him, this time. Friday's is my favorite place to eat at home, so I wanted to try it in the Philippines. It's pretty much the same, just a few different menu items. I had some chicken fingers & F had some fish and we shared onion rings & my margarita which made me a bit... hilo... (dizzy.) Then we shared dessert. We ate too much... ackkkk I was so full tonight. Then we stopped at the mall to pick up some stuff for our trip to Tagaytay. We are leaving tomorrow around 11pm or so, because check in up at Taal Vista Hotel is 2pm. We'll be heading back to F's house on the 29th. Here's some newer pictures:

My margarita... it made me a bit dizzy, lol... and they don't even card you at the Friday's in the Philippines:

Our dessert we shared.... yum. haha:

Me in F.B.'s car, while he checked the air in the car tires:

Called my family last night to wish them a Merry Christmas. It was 12pm there on Christmas day & about 1am on the 26th when I called. Mom said "F's a true gentleman." Let's see.... he opens the car door for me... and if I try to get out myself he complains. He buckles my seatbelt for me sometimes. I have to force him to pay for movies or lunch sometimes... bad boy. He cuts my meat for me sometimes, if I can't get it... then we feed each other sometimes too... hehehehehe. He wakes me up in the mornings, though the first morning he turned on the light and blinded me. And he's just my guwapo guwapo silly corny boyfriend.... and I love him.


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