Okay so I got in touch with the Philippine Consulate this morning and this is what they said....
They said even though the expiration date on my visa is October 24th, because I'm arriving before that date on October 6th the visa will still be valid when I enter the Philippines. My 59 days for the visa start counting on the day I enter the country. If I was to arrive after the 24th the visa would not be valid anymore. It sounds sooo confusing. But she explained it like 6 times to me because I didn't get it. And my visa does say the 59 days thing on it... so I hope I will be okay. I'm still going to contact the USA Embassy in Manila Philippines to ask them about it... but I guess the Philippine Consulate knows what they are talking about since they issues visas all the time...
They said even though the expiration date on my visa is October 24th, because I'm arriving before that date on October 6th the visa will still be valid when I enter the Philippines. My 59 days for the visa start counting on the day I enter the country. If I was to arrive after the 24th the visa would not be valid anymore. It sounds sooo confusing. But she explained it like 6 times to me because I didn't get it. And my visa does say the 59 days thing on it... so I hope I will be okay. I'm still going to contact the USA Embassy in Manila Philippines to ask them about it... but I guess the Philippine Consulate knows what they are talking about since they issues visas all the time...
4:43:00 PM
Oh no no no!!!
I'm sure most of you have read about my visa issue: Here.
Back in March I mailed my visa application in prematurely. But a lady from the Philippine New York Consulate called me and said they would hold my passport for me and issue the visa in September- so it would expire around the end of December. I was going to call the Philippine Consulate in New York on Friday to check in with them and make sure it was being mailed in September.
Well today when I arrived home I found my passport/visa waiting for me... and they issued my visa wrong!!!
The issue date is: July 25th, 2008.
Expiration date: October 24th, 2008.
My trip dates on my visa application are:
October 6th-December 4th, 2008!!!
Ohhhh they issued my visa wrong and I only have 2 months to get this straightened out! I called their office and no one was there so I had to leave a detailed message and I also just emailed them. I'm going to call them again in the morning. This needs to be fixed.
I had to send them my passport, notarized visa application, passport photo, bank statement, income tax copy, flight itinerary, copy of my plane ticket & a money order for the visa. So they had all of my information to issue the visa. I really hope they can get this straightened out. I'm hoping they let me express mail my passport back to them and they can fix my visa. I have the receipt they sent me. Someone really messed up and I want to cry!
Back in March I mailed my visa application in prematurely. But a lady from the Philippine New York Consulate called me and said they would hold my passport for me and issue the visa in September- so it would expire around the end of December. I was going to call the Philippine Consulate in New York on Friday to check in with them and make sure it was being mailed in September.
Well today when I arrived home I found my passport/visa waiting for me... and they issued my visa wrong!!!
The issue date is: July 25th, 2008.
Expiration date: October 24th, 2008.
My trip dates on my visa application are:
October 6th-December 4th, 2008!!!
Ohhhh they issued my visa wrong and I only have 2 months to get this straightened out! I called their office and no one was there so I had to leave a detailed message and I also just emailed them. I'm going to call them again in the morning. This needs to be fixed.
I had to send them my passport, notarized visa application, passport photo, bank statement, income tax copy, flight itinerary, copy of my plane ticket & a money order for the visa. So they had all of my information to issue the visa. I really hope they can get this straightened out. I'm hoping they let me express mail my passport back to them and they can fix my visa. I have the receipt they sent me. Someone really messed up and I want to cry!
4:41:00 PM
Long Distance Relationships
Flash Back!
Thought I would do a flash back today. Here are some baby/kid pictures of F.B. & I! (Click on the photos to enlarge.)




6:45:00 PM
Car Trouble.
Wednesday afternoon driving home from work my battery light came home. My Dad has been a mechanic and done auto body for years. So he checked out the car. It wasn't the battery he thought it might be the alternator. (I own a 1993 Chevrolet Geo Prizm.) So Thursday morning when I woke up for work the car was completely dead. I own a jump box, so I jumped the car & got it started. Stopped at Wawa for coffee. Had to jump the car again... and it was raining out.
When I left work my co-worker Ike came out with me to make sure my car would start. I had to jump it again to get it started. Then as I was saying goodbye to him the car idled out again and died. So I called my Dad and he said if I could put the jump box on the battery and somehow bungee cord the front hood down I could drive home that way. Didn't have any bungee cords in my trunk so Ike tied my hood down tight with a plastic bag. Then he followed me home from work to make sure I made it. When I was right near my house the battery finally completely died. No flashers, no turn signal lights. I was driving solely on the power of the jump box. It was pretty scary. Finally got the car up the driveway and made it home. And waved to Ike to thank him for following me home.
So Dad went with me to the auto store because he was pretty sure it was the alternator. That cost a nice price of $160. Took off work on Friday so my Dad could work on the car. Now it's running perfect again. Infact... it runs quieter now! Last week my air conditioning went and I needed Freon. This week the alternator went. Sheesh. Though I do love my car, it is extremely good on gas! A full tank lasts me 2 weeks! And with the way gas prices are right now I wouldn't trade my car for anything!
BTW: Everyone that drives should own a jump start box. It is great for emergencies! I always keep mine in the trunk. This is the jump start box I own. Inexpensive & very easy to operate. Also it's much safer then asking strangers for a jump when your car battery is dead.
When I left work my co-worker Ike came out with me to make sure my car would start. I had to jump it again to get it started. Then as I was saying goodbye to him the car idled out again and died. So I called my Dad and he said if I could put the jump box on the battery and somehow bungee cord the front hood down I could drive home that way. Didn't have any bungee cords in my trunk so Ike tied my hood down tight with a plastic bag. Then he followed me home from work to make sure I made it. When I was right near my house the battery finally completely died. No flashers, no turn signal lights. I was driving solely on the power of the jump box. It was pretty scary. Finally got the car up the driveway and made it home. And waved to Ike to thank him for following me home.
So Dad went with me to the auto store because he was pretty sure it was the alternator. That cost a nice price of $160. Took off work on Friday so my Dad could work on the car. Now it's running perfect again. Infact... it runs quieter now! Last week my air conditioning went and I needed Freon. This week the alternator went. Sheesh. Though I do love my car, it is extremely good on gas! A full tank lasts me 2 weeks! And with the way gas prices are right now I wouldn't trade my car for anything!
BTW: Everyone that drives should own a jump start box. It is great for emergencies! I always keep mine in the trunk. This is the jump start box I own. Inexpensive & very easy to operate. Also it's much safer then asking strangers for a jump when your car battery is dead.
6:37:00 PM
Sorry For The Mess. *Updated*
As you can see I'm trying to mess around with a new layout for my blog my playing around with the coding. Still working on things but should have everything to normal in a few days!
*UPDATE* Yay! Finally got everything in order now. The only thing I'm having issues with is editing my coding to show the email button & edit buttons near the bottom of my posts... they are hidden somehow. I have to play with the coding some more. But for now my new layout is complete! Hope everyone likes it!
*UPDATE* Yay! Finally got everything in order now. The only thing I'm having issues with is editing my coding to show the email button & edit buttons near the bottom of my posts... they are hidden somehow. I have to play with the coding some more. But for now my new layout is complete! Hope everyone likes it!
10:15:00 PM
My Favorite Music.
I went out Friday evening with my cousins & my brother. We had Chinese for dinner. (Yum! Sesame shrimp & Egg drop soup!) Then we went to the movies to see, 'The Dark Knight'. We pre-ordered our tickets online, which was a smart idea because the theater was mobbed when we arrived. The ticket line was out the door! The movie was very good. (Long too!) The joker freaks me out, he is so creepy. I still don't understand why Katie Holmes didn't resume her role in the Batman sequel as Rachel though.
I ordered two new books from Amazon.com. They arrived earlier this week. The Redheaded Princess by, Ann Rinaldi & The Life And Death Of Anne Boleyn by, Eric Ives. I finished the first one and I'm halfway through the 2nd one. I'm a fast reader, haha.
Anyway, since I made the post about all of my favorite books awhile ago; I wanted to do one with all of my favorite music. You can view my list by clicking on the pictures below or by going to my profile on stylem.com. Enjoy!
I ordered two new books from Amazon.com. They arrived earlier this week. The Redheaded Princess by, Ann Rinaldi & The Life And Death Of Anne Boleyn by, Eric Ives. I finished the first one and I'm halfway through the 2nd one. I'm a fast reader, haha.
Anyway, since I made the post about all of my favorite books awhile ago; I wanted to do one with all of my favorite music. You can view my list by clicking on the pictures below or by going to my profile on stylem.com. Enjoy!
8:54:00 AM