We're All Mad Here...
Alice in Wonderland has always been my favorite fairy tale. ❤️ When I was a kid I was obsessed with the TV movie.
I'd play dress up in one of my old Christmas dresses, a red & white polka dot dress, similar to the one TV Alice wore, and when my Mom was in the kitchen I'd jump off the stairs onto the sofa below, pretending I was Alice falling down the rabbit hole, my dress puffing out like a parachute. 😂
(Photo of me in my red dress from 1988.)
I've been looking for an antique copy of Alice in Wonderland and was lucky enough to find a 1920 copy from a shop in the UK for $16!
The dodo bird illustration was always one of my favorites. I was terrified of the Cheshire Cat as a kid, but I love him now.

12:05:00 AM
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