Makati City Trip.
Philippine Traffic... looks more orderly than it is!
The cabs say 'with aircon’ (That's what air conditioning is called in the Philippines.)
We also ate at our favorite places; Gerry’s Grill, Chow King & Yellow Cab Here is F.B. contemplating which slice of pizza he wants!
Saw some more movies. We watched ‘Strangers’ which I thought was a lot of anticipation and not a lot of action. And we saw ‘Mirror’s’. I thought it was similar to the ‘Sixth Sense’ in a way, but not as good.
We went to Manila Ocean Park- Aquarium on Tuesday. They had a lot of pretty fish, sharks, sting rays, alligators. They even had a glass tunnel you walk under and the fish swim all around you.
F.B. & I acting silly in Makati:

Sad news though. I found out my Dad had to have his dog Hunter put to sleep this week. He was really sick and wasn’t eating. He was around 13 years old. We’ve had him since he was a puppy. He was a guard dog at my Dad’s junk yard for quite a few years.
Philippines: Arrival & F's Birthday
Back in the Philippines! Arrived here at 10pm on 10-7-08. I didn't have any delays with any of my connections this time, thank goodness. The 15 hour flight was so long though, I tried to sleep most of it.
I had a little trouble finding F.B. at the airport, since it was the larger airport this time. When I got my luggage and got through customs I had to go outside and was asking the guards where the waiting area was. There wasn't too many signs, so I called F on his cell phone and he said he could see me and to wait where I was and he would go get the car.
We got back to his house around 11:30pm. He gave me a red rose and a rattie stuffed animal.
(The door to F.B.'s room.)
My first day in the Philippines we went to change my money into some peso's and then headed to 'Big R' the mall near F.B.'s house. We stopped at the supermarket so I could pick up some toothpaste, shampoo, etc. And we also stopped at the music store and F.B. got me the new Cueshe c.d. for my belated birthday gift. Later that afternoon we checked out the new mall in Marikina City.
There's a new stray cat hanging around F.B.'s house. He calls him 'Stupid Cat' because he always runs away when F.B. tries to pet him. I think he liked me though, he sniffed my hand and posed for me!
October 9th, was F.B.'s 29th birthday. We had lunch at home and headed to Mega Mall. It was pouring rain and hard to see when driving. It's been cool here at night time, I get cold! (In the Philippines!) We watched 'Tropic Thunder' with Ben Stiller at Mega Mall. I thought it was okay, but F.B. really "liked" it.
Around 7pm we met up with F.B.'s parents and his sister at Mega Mall and went to Saisaki Buffet for F.B.'s birthday dinner.

Today we just hung out around the house. Slept in late and played around on my laptop. And picked up F.B.'s Dad and Sister later in the evening.
Edit 10-9-08: Just wanted to updated & let everyone know I'm in the Philippines! I arrived 10-7-08 around 10pm. Today is F.B.'s birthday. I've been on the dial up for an hour paying bills so and we're tired and have to get up early. So I will blog another night with some pictures!
Leaving Monday!

I picked up another book for the plane at Target. I got 'The Heretic's Daughter ' by, Kathleen Kent. Target always has a nice book selection. So now I have 2 new books to read during my flight.
Leaving Monday morning around 5:45am. Hoping to get down to Philadelphia International Airport around 6:30am. And my first flight leaves for Chicago around 9:30am. (My Flight Itinerary.) I'm Excited! Just a few more days! We will be staying in Makati City 10-13 through 10-17. We want to visit the aquarium & the zoo. Visit Fort Santiago. And F.B.'s 29th birthday will be October 9th!
Just about a week!

I visited my Nana last night. She wanted to see me before I went away for 2 months. So I got to share with her my trip pictures from January. And I brought the rats as a surprise. She's seen pictures of them but she hasn't met them. I thought she might be freaked out that I brought rats to her house, but instead she said, "Ohhh! You brought the rats!" And she pet each one on their head and even said their tails were cute. (My Mom cannot stand rat tails, haha!)
Afterwards my brother & I stopped at Starbucks to get hot white chocolate mocha's, yum! It's been getting colder now and the leaves are starting to change color. But in just a week I'll be seeing palm trees again and wearing sandals! And getting to be with my boy! Also can't wait to eat at my favorite places again. Gerry's Grill & Chow King and Saisaki Buffet! Yay! I'm excited!
Rattie Love!
Sugar, Cinnamon & Spice:

13 Days!!!

I've been picking up stuff for the trip. I'm nearly finished. I forgot to pick up band aids & notepaper though. Yucky... but I always end up with blisters when I run around all those airports no matter what shoes/sneakers I wear. So I need to pick up some for my carry-on. And notepaper for writing letters on the plane when I'm bored. I can't believe I have to pack next weekend. I hope I remember everything. And I've got an e-ticket this year. All the other times I've traveled I've gotten a paper ticket. So I'm a bit nervous about the e-ticket. Not so much for leaving the USA, but for leaving the Philippines. How do e-tickets work when leaving there? Hmmm. I guess I'll find out... I've never seen those e-ticket machines in the Philippine Airports.
I don't know if I mentioned before but I also ordered 'The Life And Death of Anne Boleyn.' By, Eric Ives. Which I thought was a great biography about Anne. Er... and I also finally gave in and bought 'The Other Boleyn Girl' on DVD even though it is nothing like the book or history and I was outraged by them making Henry VII rape Anne!!! (Read my review of the movie here!) Oh well... I got it for $5 on Ebay so it's something to watch on my ipod while on my 15 hour flight to Hong Kong!!!! I am not looking forward to 24 hours worth of traveling... but at least I get to see my boy soon! Miss kita nobyo ko.... mahal kita...
I'm rambling, I'm exhausted and I have to get up at 5:30am. So it's off to bed for me. I will leave you with a pretty picture I took of a bumblebee the other day:

23 Days!!!
But... I am approved and I am leaving for the Philippines in 23 days! Started getting stuff for my trip last week and ordered some clothes. I have to go shopping next weekend for some jeans & maybe a few new t-shirts. Picked up some snacks for my flight. I usually take a dried fruit mix, with yogurt raisins. And I got some rice crispy treats too. Usually I get granola bars, but I wanted something different this time.
F.B.'s grand mom & aunt were visiting from Mindanao last week. They went to the Manila Ocean Park, the new Aquarium on my birthday. F.B. & I are going to go there when I visit. I saw on the website they also have a glass bottom boat ride, that sounds pretty neat! And I also want to visit the Zoo at some point. Something different for us. There's a new mall that opened in Marikina City that we can check out. The malls in the Philippines are just crazy. They have so many and they are soooo huge! Mall of Asia is one of my favorites. And also the smaller malls near his house.
I'm excited, the trip is getting closer. I'm not looking forward to traveling for 24+ hours though. It's a full day of travel and the worst flight is my 15 hour flight from Chicago to Hong Kong. I will have several flight changes. You can click here to check out my flight itinerary.
Just a note: I try to include alot of links related to each blog post. So if you click on the links in my blogs it will give you more information on what I'm posting about.
So you would think since that is where F.B. & I met we should be diehard fans and grateful to Lindsay Lohan for somehow bringing us together. Honestly... not so much anymore for me. I liked her back in the day when she was a good little actress. My favorite movie she was in was the new 'Parent Trap' and the remake of 'Freaky Friday'. That was the movie that made F.B. & I join up on the forums in the first place. He being a fan & I joining up to look for guitar chords for one of the movie songs. We never joined up looking for a relationship... it just sort of happened after talking with each other & becoming friends.
I don't think I would call myself a Lindsay Lohan fan anymore. I don't think any of her movies aside from 'The Parent Trap', 'Freaky Friday' are worth watching. And I especially don't like the way she has conducted herself the past 5 years. (Hmmm... that seems to be a trend with past Disney stars.) Everything aside though.... I do have to smile when I think of the time we spent on the Lindsay Lohan forum 5 years ago. After all if it wasn't for the movie 'Freaky Friday' F.B. & I would have never crossed each other's paths.... and for that I am truly thankful!
*General Update* Just 3 weeks until I am off to the Philippines! Yay! I also got to have a nice birthday lunch with my family Saturday at the Chinese Buffet near our house. And I received a surprise birthday letter & 3 cards from F.B. on the 5th. Awww... just a day late for my birthday. Hehe. He didn't tell me he was mailing anything so it was really a surprise. It took 3 weeks to get here though! International mail is so slow.
Just spent a quiet day at home. My parents called from the shore to wish me a happy birthday. And F.B. called me and we chatted for 20 min. Then we got to spend time online with each other for a few hours. Saturday I'm going out with the family for a "birthday" lunch. And next weekend I get to go out with my cousins for a "birthday" dinner. Back to work tomorrow... but thank goodness the weekend is here!
The ratties really enjoyed the ice cream cake I had for my birthday. Here's some pictures:
P.S. I found out yesterday Fall Out Boy's new album is coming out November! Whoo hoo! I saw them in concert last October. They are so good live! The new single 'I don't care' is good too. I hope it's out in the Philippines when I'm over there so I can buy it! They are my favorite band. :-)
34 Days....
Anyhow... I have to pick up last minute items. Snacks for the plane, batteries, aspirin, sleeping pills, stuff like that. Mostly just stuff for my carry on. I'll probably pack that Friday night before I leave. F.B. & I want to visit the zoo and the aquarium when I'm there this time. That will be something new & fun to do. And of course we get to spend 5 days in Makati City again.
I was really sick last week. I had a nasty head cold which ended up aggravating my asthma. My asthma was worse when I was younger. Now it only seems to bother me in extreme heat/cold or when I get a bad cold. I wasn't able to breathe right last week and my lungs were hurting because of the head/stomach virus. I ended up staying home from work last Tuesday & Wednesday.
My parents & 2 younger brothers went down to the shore for the week. I have to work this week, so my 20 year old brother & I have just been home. I've been being "domestic". Lol. Sunday I spent the day scrubbing, mopping & cleaning the kitchen & bathroom. Also baked some chocolate chip cookies & made some rice crispy squares. I can cook & bake when I try. Hehe. I woke up this morning aching all over though from all the cleaning I did on Sunday. Ow.
My 26th birthday is Thursday. I have to work. Blech. But I'm going to pick up Starbucks after work! I've been trying to cut back on Starbucks. I used to go every Friday. But that was becoming expensive. So I finally decided to break myself of that habit by saying I wouldn't have any until my birthday. After that I'm only going to have Starbucks once a month. There's also a lovely little chocolate carvel ice cream cake waiting in the freezer for Thursday, haha. And my brother is going to take me out to the Chinese buffet for lunch this Saturday.
I didn't really ask for much for my birthday this year. (Last year because it was my 25th my parents gave me an 80GB Video Ipod. Whoo!) This year I received the game Scattergories; which I asked for so F.B. & I can play together when I'm in the Philippines. Our other favorite game is Scrabble! I'm a word game kind of girl. If any of you guys have a video ipod download the game Scrabble from Itunes... so addictive! The best game for ipod, ever!
F.B. will be also be calling me on my birthday. Yay! So looks like I will have a nice birthday. I just wish I didn't have to work... yuck. What sucks is... I was actually scheduled off all this week... but because we are not being furloughed any time soon and I have an 8 week trip coming up they want me to save my vacation time for my trip... so I have to work. Blah. I've only got enough leave saved up for 4 weeks. After that they want me to take leave without pay... yay... oh well... just 34 more days left until I get to be with my boy!!!!