When we got hit with 28 inches of snow last weekend and then 24 inches on Wednesday all the heavy wet snow started making our trees sag really really badly... one of the trees dented my dads car and my own car had tree branches sagging down onto the hood and roof along with snow and ice. Then I saw the scratches... long massive scratches all over the front of my hood. Of my brand new car that I've owned just 1 year...
I called my insurance company, State Farm and because I have full coverage the damage to the car is covered under my insurance policy. They called a collision center for me and I had to drop the car off Friday afternoon. The auto body guy went over the car with me and he showed me how the tree branches had been swaying and scraping in the blizzard. Besides the awful scratches I noticed on the hood of my car, there was long scratches on the front part of the roof, the windshield has scratches! (how does that happen!?) and there are scratches and circles of missing paint on the sides of the car near the windshield. The auto body place made me fill out paperwork and they are going to take pictures of the damage for my insurance company. I'm still waiting to hear back from State Farm to find out how much my insurance covers; if it will cover all the repairs, or if I will have to copay anything.
My insurance company at least covers a big portion of a rental car. I've got an ugly red Chevy Impala at the moment that I have to pay $6.00 a day for. Out of my own pocket though I added an insurance with the car rental place of $17.99 a day in case of any damages or scratches happen to the rental- and with all these mountains of ice and snow and trees still sagging in our driveway and on the roads, it seemed like a good idea.
I'm supposed to hear back from the insurance company in 48 hours. And the collision place is supposed to call on Monday. I'm not sure how long the repairs will take... but I am so sick of winter. And then Monday... there's more snow coming... 6-8 inches, maybe more... yay...
I'm sorry about your car! This winter has sucked I really cant take anymore! I hope you get some good info from the insurance.