♥ When she got older and more frail, every morning I would take her out on the bed and get her some Vanilla or Strawberry Ensure. (She would have it at least twice a day). When you tapped the bowl, she would come running. She loved hanging out on our bed, she would stretch out or curl up in my comforter.
♥ When my husband came to the USA in March 2011, she would always sit on his leg and let him pet her if he was sitting on the bed. He used to tease me and say Lily was his rat now. Her nickname was 'Bean'. (When she was younger she was a little roley poley thing so I nicknamed her Lil-La-Bean, like a jelly bean). She had her feisty moments when she was younger, but for the most part she was a very laid back rat. ♥
Video of Lily with her Lolli-pop:
I love all of my pet rats, but there are a few special heart rats that you have. So I'm taking Lily's loss a bit hard. ♥
RIP Lily. :( So sorry you lost your sweet girl. It's always harder to lose your favorites; I feel for you. *hugs* She is adorable with the "lily-pop" though! :D