Happy New Year!

Happy New Year Everyone! I got to talk to F.B. on the phone around 1:30pm today. It was 2:30am in the Philippines at that time. He was in a new year for 13 hours before it became 2009 here in Philadelphia! I miss him... but next year we should be together for Christmas & New Years and we will probably be married by then as well... so crazy. I spent New Years at home with my family this year. We had crackers, cheese, Martinelli's sparkling apple cider, etc. And also had the chocolate torte from Figi's, yum!

Here's another picture of my new girls; Ginger & Nutmeg!

Edited to add 2 "xmas" pictures of the cuties:

  1. I love the pic of the rats. I'm so sorry about Spice's passing. I was really sad when I read your post about it. I'm glad that you got two new ones, but I know that they'll never take Spice's place in your heart.

  2. We just want to wish you a HAPPY NEW YEAR!! We also wish you the very best for 2009!

  3. Happy New Year! I miss you. I love you. *mwah*


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