Showing posts with label Photography. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Photography. Show all posts

Kodak Camera & Digital Picture Frame!

My prizes from NYC Girl at Heart & Kodak arrived today! Yay!

Basil my old guy was my first subject after I figured out how to set the Macro setting and how to focus the camera before taking a shot!

The digital picture frame is pretty neat. You can even select to view photos from your friends Facebook albums or your own! It has wi-fi but you can also upload photos from your computer to the frame through the Kodak Pulse website. The first picture I added was my Manila Bay sunset photo!

Thank you so much Patty & Kodak! I love it! I can't wait to head to the park later this week and get some pretty fall shots with my new camera!


Wow! I Won!

I am so excited! (I know 2 blog posts in one day!) I entered the NYC Girl at Heart & Kodak blog contest 2 weeks ago. You could earn extra entries by doing extra stuff. One was tweeting about the contest every day on Twitter. I never had a Twitter before the contest. But I really wanted to win, lol! So I ended up joining Twitter. (And I'm glad I did, because I really enjoy using it and I like how I can link my tweets to my Facebook).

I've entered many many blog contests and I've won a few small ones but never a major prize giveaway! I was so excited and almost had a heart attack when I read Patty's blog this morning! 

I've won a Kodak Easyshare M580 Digital Camera and a Kodak Pulse Digital Picture Frame!

I'll definitely write a blog when my prizes arrive to thank Patty & Kodak! I'm excited because my Sony digital camera is quite beat up so I really needed a new one! I can't wait to use it! Thank you again Patty and Kodak!

Edited to add: This was picture I picked for my initial entry in the contest. Manila Bay Sunset. I took the picture at Mall of Asia during my late 2008 trip to the Philippines.


Day at the Pennypack Park

I went to Pennypack Park yesterday in Northeast Philadelphia. Sadly none of the trees have really changed color so I didn't get any really beautiful fall pictures. I took Jasmine, Poppy and Clover with me. Jasmine was a little brat and didn't want to sit still for pictures so I didn't get very many of her.





My mini pumpkins from the grocery:

I also made homemade banana bread yesterday using this recipe. It turned out really good! (I added a dash of cinnamon to the recipe.)

And I am now on Twitter! You can follow me at: tunaynamahal82.


Last days of summer...

Gorgeous weather on this Labor Day. Hope everyone is enjoying their holiday! Took some pictures of my new gang outdoors!


Lily with her tongue out!


What's with the tongue?




(More Pictures Here.)


Spring Ratties

Not too much going on lately. Here are some spring pictures I got of the girls/boys this weekend. (Ginger with her tumors isn't well enough to take pictures outside in the trees.)








And Ginger says: " I don't know about these flowers Mom...."


Spring 2010

Pictures I took Friday afternoon. We have a lot of flowers blooming around the yard right now.

And Basil in a tree. He looks like he's holding on for dear life from the angle, hehe.


Rattie Love!

Some pictures of the girls & boys!

Ginger with a yogurt treat:

There are 6 ratties in this box! (Ginger, Saffy, Pepper, Poppy, Holly & Ivy! Ginger's butt is wayyy in the back!)

Basil & Sage:



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