Hey there, blogging world. Thought I would check in and say hello. And remind you all, I'm most active on Instagram these days. And if you're not on Instagram, I do share posts over to Twitter, so you can interact with me over there too. :)

As for life, I'm still obsessed with nail polish, true crime everything, (follow me on goodreads)... and my new favorite obsession. Tea! (Particularly DavidsTea & Teavana!)

We also added two new boy ratties to the family in January. (Check out my Pet Rats page). Some photos of the current gang below. Ruby, Ben, Waffles, Chester, & Dobby.

Waffles & I.

I'm still not doing any sponsored nail polish or product reviews. Now days I only show off a nail polish (or nail art) when I actually wear it. It's a much more laid back, and genuinely fun and stress free approach, compared to when I was blogging constantly. I still post all my nail photos to Instagram, & Pinterest.

33 has always been my favorite number. And so far year 33 of life for me has been really interesting, so far. I got to visit the Lizzie Borden House, (best adventure ever!) I got to visit my cousin Chrissy in Georgia! I started writing again, (albeit; intermittently), on a book I've been working on for a good ten years! (You can take a peek at the first 3 chapters here). Hopefully the rest of my year 33 is just as good as the first half was.

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Lizzie Borden- Bed & Breakfast Trip: Part 2

*Note: If you haven't read part 1 of our trip, please click here to read.

Overview: My husband and I recently decided to travel to Fall River, Massachusetts to visit the Lizzie Borden House Bed & Breakfast. It may be a bit macabre, but the case is absolutely fascinating to me. (If you're not familiar with the story, check out wikipedia here for a quick overview).

92 Second Street, Fall River MA 
The barn (gift shop) in the back is not original, it was re-built.

I became a little bit obsessed with Lizzie Borden about a year and a half ago. I'm already quite addicted to history, and true crime stories. Lizzie's story really fascinated me. Not so much because she "allegedly" committed parricide, but more so because of the time period; (The murders happened in 1892). The way the case was handled (bungled?), how certain relevant circumstantial evidence was left out of the trial, and Lizzie's various stories about where she was at the time of the murders. "I was in the kitchen, I was on the stairs, I was upstairs, I was in the barn, I was eating pears...", and because after all that, she was acquitted! Once you delve into the story, it's really intriguing.

I found out the actual Borden house was turned into a bed & breakfast museum in 1996. (The house was built in 1845, the Borden's were the 2nd owners). I kept looking at the website wishing I could visit. Finally, I found out there's a bus terminal only a 3 minute walk from the bed & breakfast, and that kind of sealed everything for me. I booked the trip!

This is a long winded picture heavy post so please click below to continue reading!

Lizzie Borden- Bed & Breakfast Trip: Part 1.

Hello there. Long time, no blog. :)

My husband and I recently decided to travel to Fall River, Massachusetts to visit the Lizzie Borden House Bed & Breakfast. It may be a bit macabre, but the case is absolutely fascinating to me. (If you're not familiar with the story, check out wikipedia here for a quick overview).
Tour sign near the gift shop at the back of the house.
I became a little bit obsessed with Lizzie Borden about a year and a half ago. I'm already quite addicted to history, and true crime stories. Lizzie's story really fascinated me. Not so much because she allegedly committed parricide, but more so because of the time period; (The murders happened in 1892). The way the case was handled (bungled?), how certain relevant circumstantial evidence was left out of the trial, and Lizzie's various stories about where she was at the time of the murders. "I was in the kitchen, I was on the stairs, I was upstairs, I was in the barn, I was eating pears...", and because after all that, she was acquitted! Once you delve into the story, it's really intriguing. 

I found out the actual Borden house was turned into a bed & breakfast museum in 1996. (The house was built in 1845, the Borden's were the 2nd owners). I kept looking at the website wishing I could visit. Finally, I found out there's a bus terminal only a 3 minute walk from the bed & breakfast, and that kind of sealed everything for me. I booked the trip!

 92 Second St, Fall River MA
 This is a long winded picture heavy post so please click below to continue reading!


If you read last weeks blog post... 

I just wanted to remind everyone, I will still be posting casually on my Instagram & Twitter. Heads up: There will be other things mixed in with my casual nail polish posts, it's not nails only- reason for this is because I want to get back to what I love, and it's less stress for me. I am no longer doing any product reviews or sponsored content. Honestly, I'm not sure where this blog is headed at the moment... which is another reason for the break...

Instagram: http://instagram.com/tunaynamahal82 

*I am not currently accepting any products for review or advertisement. Emails for such solicitations will be ignored.

Cirque Colors: Coronation
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Mentality Nail Polish Scandal & Alternative to Gala

Updated August 2015:

If you would like an safer alternative to Mentality Nail Polish 'Gala', Model's Own Indian Ocean works perfectly! Just layer two coats over a turquoise base (I used Zoya Rocky below), and top with a matte topcoat.

Read more below....

A Break Up.

Note: I am not currently accepting any products for review or advertisement. Emails for such solicitations will be ignored.

After 4 years in the nail blogging world. I have seen the good, the bad, and the ugly....

Click below to read the rest of this post...

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